
International Support - International Office at NEWTON University

We are looking for a passionate to join our dynamic team! If you are into business/have a sharp eye for social media/can't imagine starting your career without an international experience - this may be an offer for you!

General information

Duration: 3 months

Commitment: Full-time


Erasmus Internship - International Office at NEWTON University

Prague, Czech Republic - on campus in Prague

We are looking for a passionate to join our dynamic team! If you are into business/have a sharp eye for social media/can't imagine starting your career without an international experience - this may be an offer for you!

As an International Office Assistant at NEWTON you may enjoy a highly collaborative environment and have many opportunities to learn from us and share knowledge with other colleagues within the NEWTON community! Furthermore, we are ready to fully support your ideas and help you discover the backstage of the University life. You will be able to master skills you have already gained before and develop the others. The international character of our team gives the opportunity to practice foreign languages and if you haven't had a chance to visit breathtaking Prague before, that's the experience you can't miss!


- Research support (data analysis, market research)

- Content writing: texts for social media and the website

- Active participation in the current projects of the International Team

- Participation in current NEWTON events and help with their organisation

- Advertising: creation creative content for social networks such as Facebook and Instagram among other forms of communication

- Monitoring data in Excel sheets

- Helping the Marketing Team

- Using graphic skills (if you are into graphics)

- Using your strong sides and abilities to develop youself and help us!

Total flexibility:

- choose when you want to start and the duration of your staying

- choose how to dispose your working hours


- Fluent in English (at least B2)

- Czech/Slovak language is a plus

- Work in autonomy (good organisational skills) and being proactive

If you would like to apply, please send your CV to our email: marta.naumczyk@newton.university

and fill out the google form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNg4ZdRE2mNT4SzXaIpZiE5S2C4lvazvSuS1Nb5tmw7hmmjg/viewform


No financial compensation


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