University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Chinese fish soup tasting at the 22nd Fish Soup Festival

Kínai halászlé

The team of Confucius Institute at University of Szeged also participates in the 22nd International Tisza River Fish Soup Festival that is to be held on 1st September 2018 in Szeged.

August 24, 2018

Following its old traditions, on Saturday, Confucius Institute takes part in the world famous XXII. International Fish Soup Festival where guests can taste its out-of-the-common Chinese fish soup.

Besides this special fish soup, you can learn more about our autumn programs, and you can get familiar with our new Chinese teachers and colleagues of Confucius Institute.

Time: 1 September 2018 (Saturday)

Venue: Szegedi Partfürdő Kemping és Apartman (6726 Szeged, Középkikötő sor 1-3.)

A warm welcome to everyone!