University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Family Day with Gregor József Primary School

Csaladi nap Gregor

On 19 May 2017 (Friday) the SZTE Confucius Institute took part in the Family Day of Gregor József Primary School which was held at the Gellért Leisure Center in Újszeged.

June 05, 2017

Csaladi nap Gregor

During the afternoon, the Leisure Center was all-over crowded with people. The green belt area of the Leisure Center provided a very pleasant and tranquil environment for the people enjoying their free time and the programs of the primary school. Our Confucius Institute welcomed every guest with a great variety of activities. For instance shuttlecock and badminton was available for everyone interested. In addition, students had the opportunity to learn how to do Chinese knots as well as learning how to use chopsticks in a proper way. Last but not least, the audience could enjoy the musical and dance performance of Gegor Primary School students who study Chinese language at SZTE Confucius Institute.

Csaladi nap Gregor