University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Due to the great success, MAHJONG-COURSE starts from 26th November!


Due to the great success, SZTE Confucius Institute welcomes everyone to join our Mahjong course!

November 18, 2014

Within the confines of a course, the participants can learn more and more tricks and tactics during the game. The course will be held each second week once with the guidance of Géza. :)

We welcome everyone to the course, and we hope that as many guest will show up at the event as last time did (if not more).

Time in 2014:

26 November (Wednesday) 4 p.m.

3 December (Wednesday) 4 p.m.

Venue: Rector’s Office, Room V.